Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Analysis Vengeance - 1582 Words

Vengeance LOGLINE: When a young girl goes missing, her friend and older brother try to find out whether his father is responsible†¦ but the true culprit may be supernatural in nature. KEY CHARACTERS: Aubrie Nobir: a popular, intellectual teenager and Jillian’s babysitter/friend. Nick Stilhare: an awkward, shy teenager who is on the baseball team, but rarely plays. Luster Stilhare: an egotistical, abusive, workaholic father to Jillian and Nick. Jillian Stilhare: a bright, imaginative young girl who is obsessed with unicorns and sleeping in her parents’ bedroom. One night she goes missing but leaves behind clues on who took her. Vengeance: an avenging, omniscient Spirit who saves abused children by forming an army†¦show more content†¦He honks the horn and the lights turn on and off. His hairstyle changes from an Afro to four triangles, and he has five black scars running down his face. He limps towards Jillian and holds his knife up high in the air when -- --The next day MIKE, the investigating officer, and RENDICIÓ, the police chief, investigate the scene. They find a card with the letter â€Å"V† and one red circle on it, addressed to Luster. He is questioned then released when no further evidence is found. The police officers think Jillian is dead. Later, friends and neighbors gather at the Stilhare’s house. GUTTER, the town drunk, tries to talk to AUBRIE but she ignores him. NICK asks Aubrie to help him find out who took his sister, but she refuses to get involved because she thinks Luster committed the crime. Over the next few days, Nick gives Aubrie gifts including Jillianâ €™s locket. After being pressured by her parents, Aubrie caves in and helps Nick. The next day, Aubrie bumps into BAILEY, a bully who is picking on a black girl because of her large lips. Bailey pulls out a knife on the black girl and Aubrie runs away, refusing to help. At her house, she finds a package of knives on her front steps – but there’s no return address. Aubrie’s friends want to hang out with her, but she blows them off to sneak into Nick’s house to try and find evidence on Luster. While she is in the garage, Carolyn storms in and slams the door shut, not noticing Aubrie. Aubrie hidesShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Vengeance 1149 Words   |  5 PagesVengeance Logline: When a young girl goes missing, her friend and older brother try to find out whether his father is responsible†¦ but the true culprit may be supernatural in nature. Key characters: Aubrie Nobir – a popular, intellectual teenager who is Jillian’s babysitter/friend. Nick Stilhare- an awkward, shy teenager who is on the baseball team, but he rarely plays. Luster Stilhare- an egotistical, abusive, workaholic father to Jillian and Nick. 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